Books To Read Around The Winter Fire - Great Holiday Gifts

Book Review: Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood

Historical Reenactments, Festivals & Encampments

Brillig thought you might like to know about these really neat events where you can pay to dress in a wig, wander around in a musket and eat greasy hi-carb food.

Johnson Hall State Historic Site
Hall Avenue
Johnstown, NY 12095
Phone: (518) 762-8712 / Fax: (518) 762-2330
Season starts May 1, 2003. Call for more details on events.

17 WORKSHOPS WITH AUTHOR ROBERT MOSS - Writing from the Source Giving Voice to the Past. - This versatile writer has written, "Dreaming True," and many other books to access the intuitive dreamer, which influences his historical novels, "Firekeeper" and "Fire Along the Sky" that depict Sir William Johnson, the powerful women and men in those colonial times. Moss has also written several spy novels. Promises to be a boon for historians, writers and dreamers.


8 HISTORY CAMP - children 9-12 A day of 18th century period activities and crafts with children's participation. May take home crafts made during the day.

31 18TH CENTURY LEVEE [GARDEN PARTY] The public is invited to join the staff of Johnson Hall and period re-enactors for a levee, featuring punches and desserts of the period, games, and pleasant conversation. May dress in 18th century style.

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF JOHNSON HALL (date to be announced) - First person interpreters will host each room of Johnson Hall portraying characters who would have either lived at Johnson Hall or visited the house during Sir William's residency. Some of those portrayed will include disinherited actress Lady Susan O'Brien, Lord Adam Gordon, Merchant Hugh Wallace and his wife Sally, tailor Thomas Freil, one of the estate blacksmiths, Mr. Frank the butler, a servant girl, Indian officer, Captain Normand McLeod, and others.

22 MY SPIRIT SINGS - SLAVERY IN THE NEW YORK COLONIES - Fulton Montgomery Community College - Robert Moss, author(see May 17)presents "The Underground Railroad of Dreams" Carolyn Evans, first person performer: "My Spirit Sings"


The Fort at No. 4
Springfield Road - Rte. 11
P.O Box 1336
Charlestown, NH 03603
Phone (Toll-Free in the US):888-367-8284 Fax: 603-826-3368
Call (603) 826-5700 or email to:

10-11 DEFENDERS OF HEARTH AND HOME, Distaff Side of 18th Century Life
Examine lives of families in wilderness New England. This program explores the importance of women in the wilderness, especially at Fort No. 4.

19-20 A BOATMAN'S HOLIDAY Plus, Artisans and Sutler Trade Fair - Reconstructed bateaux, birch bark and dugout canoes, and small sailing craft will set out on the Connecticut River for a weekend of demonstrations. Various historical and Gaelic musical groups will provide entertainment and a "River Dance" (contra-dance) in the Great Chamber. 18th Century artisans will participate.
"Junior Apprentice Series," ages 8-12. Architecture, subsistence economies, roles of men, women, and children in 18th Century Native villages, with participatory activities.

2-3 SIGHTS AND SOUNDS OF THE FRENCH & INDIAN WAR Nearly 250 reenactors gather to recreate events surrounding New England's involvement in the War. A special feature is the Native American encampment highlighting 18th Century Eastern Woodland cultures.
11-15 FRENCH APPRENTICE CAMP Daily living of French in the Valley is focus for this camp. A boat trip with a "voyageur" on the Connecticut River punctuate camp activities.
30-31 FANFARE AT THE FORT! A Military & Musical Salute - Pomp and pageantry of a military tattoo. Features reenactors, military vehicles, horsemen, and marching units performing.

24-25 PICKPOCKETS, ROGUES & HIGHWAYMEN! Unseemly characters will scare, make you laugh and learn each evening when the Fort and grounds will be transformed into hideouts, jails, a seedy tavern, and cemeteries. Children and adults can hunt for buried treasure or sing rowdy songs as they hoist a mug of cider at the Black Skull Tavern.
25-26 ROGERS RETURN! Recreates Robert Rogers' return following a harrowing raid on the Abenaki Indian village of St. Francis. Various recreated "ranger" companies assist in bringing this program alive.
31 Fort Closes to Public

Old Fort Niagara
P.O. Box 169 - Youngstown, NY 14174
(716) 745-7611

12-13 l'e'COLE du SOLDAT Discover the time when France was the dominant European power in the Great Lakes.

24-25 MUSKETS TO MISSILES See Niagara's soldiers from the 1700s through the modern era. Take
tours of the historic cemetery and the Ft. Niagara Officer's Club.

7-8 THE KING'S BIRTHDAY British, Loyalist, and German troops celebrate the birthday of King George III with colorful military music and maneuvers, training and drill.

4-6 FRENCH & INDIAN WAR ENCAMPMENT British, French and Native warriors and a host of sutlers fill the fort to depict the 1759 Siege of Niagara

27-28 WAR OF THE 1812 BRITTISH GARRISON Revisit the time when war raged across the frontier.

8 FRENCH HERITAGE DAY - Learn about daily life in 1700s.


Fort Stanwix National Monument
Rome, NY
Contact Name: Michael Kusch 315-336-2090

24-25 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR ENCAMPMENT Reenactment groups will come for a special encampment to re-live life during the French and Indian War.

7 WE CEDE LANDS - Beginning in 1785 and ending in 1790 the Oneida, Tuscarora, Onondaga and Cayuga Indian Nations ceded lands to the State of New York in series of six treaties, four of which were negotiated at Fort Stanwix. Explore consequences of these treaties for the Indian Nations and the growth of the State of New York.

5 SATURDAY FUN AT THE FORT: INDEPENDENCE DAY - On Saturdays during the summer, Fort Stanwix National Monument will come alive with fun activities for the entire family.
9 HONOR AMERICA DAYS FINALE - "CHERISH THE LADIES" - An evening concert by the award winning Cherish the Ladies, Irish Folk group nationally renowned for their stirring pieces. Fireworks will close the show.

8-9 VETERANS DAY FALL TROOP ENCAMPMENT - Re-enactment units will come for a Fall Troop Muster

1 A COLONIAL HOLIDAY- December 1, 2003


Fort Ticonderoga
(518) 585-2821 email:

P.O. Box 390, Ticonderoga, NY 12883
(518) 585-2821


7 FAMILY EXPLORATION SERIES - "Meet Red Hawk" Meet Red Hawk, an Abenaki Indian, and learn how Native Americans relied on nature to survive.

2-3 FORT TICONDEROGA FIFE & DRUM CORPS MUSTER Come see Fife & Drum Corps from throughout the Northeast perform on the Fort Parade Grounds 18th century military music in uniform.

6-7 REVOLUTIONARY WAR ENCAMPMENT Over 500 re-enactors on site depicting British, German, Continental, and Native forces during the war for (and against) American Independence.
27-28 FIFTH ANNUAL NATIVE AMERICAN HARVEST MOON FESTIVAL Over 20 reenactors portraying Eastern Woodland Indians at a hunting camp in the Champlain Valley of the 18th century.

19 Fort Ticonderoga closes for the 2003 season.

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